Psychologist Joan Davila of Stony Brook University in New York and her colleagues are studying romantic competence. It is the ability to effectively navigate all stages of a relationship: understanding your needs, choosing the right partner, building strong bonds, and ending unhealthy interactions. After analyzing the research, VeronikaLove team identified three key skills of romantic…
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2 types of honesty without which it is impossible to imagine a normal relationship
How honest are you with your partner? We all know that bitter truth is better than sweet lies, especially when it comes to trust in a couple. But can you be too honest? For example, when a loved one prepares a dish that is impossible to eat, will you tell him the truth or will…
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Signs that a girl is waiting for you to make the first move
Perhaps you are a little shy with women, so you wait for the girl you like to give a hint that she likes you. But the problem is that some women don't show that they care about you. However, there is a way to understand that a girl has liked you for a long time…
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Reasons why you lose yourself in relationships
Mass culture instills in us the belief that to truly love someone means to dissolve in this person, to become one with him. However, the prospect of being that very couple who always and everywhere goes only together, with no idea how to survive even a fleeting separation, should actually fill you with horror. After…
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Ijaz khan