Platonic love is considered to be feelings that are based on a spiritual connection with a partner. This term means everything the same as the words “romantic love”, when people are attracted to each other only on a spiritual level. And that's not entirely fair. More precisely, it worked before, but now everything is different.…
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Two important tests that any couple must pass
Healthy communication as a couple is important not only during stressful times, such as arguments or emergencies, but also during good times, such as career advancement or a romantic getaway. The reactions and communication patterns of partners in different circumstances can either contribute to a deeper sense of satisfaction with the relationship or signal its…
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Mistakes that prevent you from recovering after a breakup
Breaking up is a difficult period in life that probably everyone has encountered. For some, the breakup of a relationship with a loved one is relatively calm, while others experience unbearable suffering. It all depends on many factors: personal experience, the duration of the relationship and emotional closeness in it, the reason for the separation,…
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Dominant girl: is it worth dating her and how to deal with such a relationship
In the middle of the last century and earlier, gender roles were clear: the man was the breadwinner and had more power than the woman, who was the “keeper of the hearth.” However, times have changed, and many girls refuse to take a passive position. On the contrary, they want to dominate the relationship and…
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Ijaz khan