Does love at first sight really exist? And if it does, will it last? Many people swear that they fell in love at first sight. And there appears to be some evidence that love at first sight does exist. Neurologists at University College, London, have shown that when we make eye contact with a person…
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Are You TOO Committed to Your Relationship?
It takes two people to make a relationship work. One committed partner is not enough. You have heard about commitment phobic people, that is, men and women who cannot commit to a relationship. But do you realise that too much commitment is also a problem? Too much commitment happens when someone goes into a relationship…
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How Do I Find My Dream Woman?
Your dream partner is a creation of your imagination. You can make her do and be whatever you want. Real women aren’t like that. They have minds of their own. Right at the beginning of the relationship, people often think they have met the partner of their dreams. It doesn’t usually take too long for the gloss…
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What To Do if a Girl Refuses to Marry You
A marriage proposal is a very serious step in a relationship for both you and your girlfriend. When planning how this moment will pass, you may not even think that the answer may be negative. And even if you really tried, organized everything and made an offer beautifully. Of course, if in your relationship, in…
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