Category Archives: Dating and Relationship Tips

Happily ever after: rules that will help preserve love for years

Maybe you met the love of your life on VeronikaLove and now want to start over with a clean slate and for the long haul. Well, maintaining a relationship for a long time is not as difficult as it sometimes seems. It is enough not to forget about them either in times of complete mutual…
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Is it necessary to hide your hobbies from a potential partner?

Should you be ashamed of your hobby? You've probably noticed that some hobbies are generally frowned upon in society. Especially if you have ever been interested in something relatively uncommon (relatively, because literally everything has thousands of fans and any hobby is still rather popular). Such activities are perceived as such stupidity for young people.…
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How to make your partner always feel wanted and loved

It is important to always show your affection for your partner and spend time with her. If you are constantly busy, specially set dates and arrange dates in order to have each other's undivided attention, give free rein to tender feelings and compensate for the lack of intimacy. Here's what you can do for this:…
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How to flirt over text so that a girl wants to meet you

Correspondence on the VeronikaLove website may well lay the foundation for a relationship in reality. But in order to make a good impression on women, you need to develop communication skills and learn how to flirt correctly. Here are a few rules to follow if you want your flirty messages to make a girl want…
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