Category Archives: International Holidays

22th of April – International Mother Earth Day

Every year on April 22 is celebrated not just a big, but truly global holiday - International Mother Earth Day - the day of our common cozy home. The holiday was established by the UN General Assembly in 2009. The resolution notes that the term "Mother Earth" is generally accepted in many countries, that it…
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19th of April – Christian Easter

Easter is the most important Orthodox holiday. On this day, the soul seems to be overflowing with radiant joy, nature also contributes to this, which has cast off the shackles of winter sleep and, in harmony with universal joy, meets the risen Christ. On Easter night you can’t sleep at all, as you can oversleep…
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13th of April – World Rock-n-roll Day

World Rock-n-roll Day is a celebration of like-minded people, for whom rock and roll have become not only music but a style and way of life. The holiday is celebrated annually on April 13, although the historic event that served as the basis for the holiday happened a day earlier: on April 12, 1954, Bill…
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7th of April – World Health Day

VeronikaLove is very concerned about the health situation in the world, and we wish you to take care of it! Not only on the 7th of April during World Health Day but every day of the year! This holiday was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Since the historical moment, 194 countries…
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