Category Archives: International Holidays

10th of December – World Football Day

Every year on December 10, the world is still informally, but traditionally celebrates World Football Day. Thus, the international community pays tribute to this sport, which for many millions is not just a game, but a lifestyle. And, of course, on this day, in honor of the holiday, many football matches of various levels and…
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6th of December – Saint Nicholas Day

Christmas holidays begin with Saint Nicholas Day, which is celebrated on December 6th. On this day, Catholics honor St. Nicholas, the patron saint of travelers and children. St. Nicholas Day has religious roots and traditions of celebration, developed by the people for centuries. Little is known about the earthly life of St. Nicholas from historical…
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Thanksgiving in the USA

The date of the holiday is unique for each year. In 2019, this date is November 28 Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving). This is one of the most popular holidays in the country. Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1621 by English colonists living in the Plymouth colony. The new winter also promised the colonists a little good. Then-Governor…
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19th of November – International Men’s Day

Every year on November 19, the world celebrates International Men's Day. It was first celebrated in 1999 by residents of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, an island nation in the southern Caribbean, consisting of two large islands. Subsequently, this holiday found support in other countries of the Caribbean, Australia, North America, Asia, Europe, and…
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