Category Archives: International Holidays

4th of October -World Animal Day

World Animal Day, celebrated around the world annually on October 4, was established at the International Congress of Supporters of the Movement for Nature, held in 1931 in Florence (Italy), and aims to draw the attention of mankind to the problems of the rest of the planet's inhabitants. The date of October 4 was chosen…
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30th of September- International Translation Day

Every year on September 30, in many countries, a professional holiday of interpreters and translators is celebrated - International Translation Day. In 2017, the UN General Assembly at its next meeting unanimously adopted Resolution (A / RES / 71/288), which recognized the role of professional translation in uniting peoples, in promoting peace, understanding, and development,…
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21st of September – International Day of Peace

Every year on September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. This day the UN General Assembly declared the day to strengthen the ideals of peace among all countries and peoples - both nationally and internationally. In 1981, by its resolution 36/67, the General Assembly proclaimed Peace Day and set its celebration…
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9th of September – International Beauty Day

The 20th century has become revolutionary in the field of cosmetology. The SIDESCO International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology has taken the initiative to create the International Beauty Day, which is celebrated annually on September 9. SIDESCO's International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology, which is considered to be the main international beauty therapy association in…
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