World Animal Day (World Animal Day), or World Day for the Protection of Animals, celebrated around the world annually on October 4, was established at the International Congress of Supporters of the Nature Movement, held in 1931 in Florence (Italy), and is intended to draw the attention of humanity to problems of the rest of…
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31st of August – Blog Day
Eight years ago, active LiveJournal users somehow saw numbers in the word blog - 3108. In such a funny way, the date of the Blog Day was chosen. The initiators of the holiday urge to devote this day to meeting friends from different countries and with different interests. To do this, it is customary to…
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8th of August – World Cat Day
World Cat Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated around the world on 8 August. On Cat Day, people pay tribute to these animals for their merits and show them their respect and love. The purpose of the holiday is not only to honor the furry couch potatoes but also to pay attention to the problem…
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20th of July – International Cake Day
On July 20, an interesting holiday is celebrated - International Cake Day, dedicated to friendship and peace between people, countries, nations. It is held under the motto "I CAKE YOU". At the origins of this sweet summer holiday was the "Milan Club" of the Kingdom of Love - a community of friends, members of which…
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Ijaz khan