💘Innocent & Sweet Yuliia

Yuliia from Bila Tserkva, Ukraine: "I'm looking for a man who will be my partner and make my life bright. A man who wants a strong family and a lot of love every day of his life. By nature, I am a cheerful, sociable, sentimental, faithful, sincere young woman. The qualities of my character help me in life. I like to enjoy simple moments, enjoy life and overcome difficulties. I want to be close to a person who looks at this world the same way as I do.
I am interested in cynology science and I have dogs. I like to take care about someone else but myself. I need to find someone who is willing to take the brunt of my love and care!"

Meet Yuliia on VeronikaLove!

How self-care can help strengthen your relationships

Relationships in a couple are only part of life. They depend, among other things, on how willing you are to take care not only of your loved one, but also of yourself. No, no, this is not at all about forgetting about your partner and thinking exclusively about your own comfort. It’s just that those…
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Lady of the week: Veronika

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Veronika from Kyiv, Ukraine: "I'm not here to play games or waste time - I'm here to find someone real. Age is just a number to me, what truly matters is the connection we share. I'm searching for a man who sees beyond the surface, who values my thoughts and feelings as much as I value his. Together, I envision us exploring new places, trying new things, and creating a bond that withstands the test of time. So, are you ready to take a chance on love and build something beautiful together?"

Meet Veronika on VeronikaLove!

Essential skills for creating healthy relationships

Psychologist Joan Davila of Stony Brook University in New York and her colleagues are studying romantic competence. It is the ability to effectively navigate all stages of a relationship: understanding your needs, choosing the right partner, building strong bonds, and ending unhealthy interactions. After analyzing the research, VeronikaLove team identified three key skills of romantic…
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