The 19th of April – The Day of Snowdrop

In Ukraine, snowdrops are considered to be the messenger of spring. These flowers are the first to appear from under the snow to greet the coming of the spring. On the 19th of April the whole world celebrates the Day of Snowdrops. This holiday originates from England. It was established in 1984. These flowers start…
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Making the Best Gift for Your Slavic Lady

Gifts are an integral part of relations, no matter if they happen in real or in online life. This is the best way to show your affection, as you give something to your beloved partner that she might really need or that might remind her about you every minute. However, Russian brides are not like…
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Western Easter VS Eastern Easter

Easter is coming, and everyone is waiting for this bright holiday all over the world. Ukrainian women are also celebrating this day on the 16th of April. There are several differences between Slavic and Western types of celebration of Easter. In Ukraine, families wake up early to end their fast which lasted for 7 weeks.…
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