What does woman wish for?

Man and woman! We are that different and at the same time can we live one without each other? What do we need to find harmony, to learn to understand each other? What does woman want? I am sure every man asks this question and even more every man supposes that knowing the answer is the…
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Corsets: from the Middle ages till today

This magnifiscent lingerie attracts both men and women through the centuries... The corset was found out due to medical necessity in the late 1830's. A woman was considered to be very fragile in that days, and people used to think she couldn't even live comfortably without some assistance from the fixed form. The girls were used to…
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July 2016 Lady of the Month: Svetlana

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Elegant, charming and very emotional - this is about Svetlana! She is not afraid of difficulties and always tries to be optimistic in different live situations. She is sure that everything has a positive side. Svetlana is sure she can fill every day of beloved man with variety of emotions. She believes that a person develops with every book, movie or new city. Also she believes in destiny and fairy tales, and this is why she is here. Her heart is ready for love and actions! You can meet Svetlana here.