What would you like to see in your mate?

  When thinking about your future, what comes to your mind first? Do you imagine it clearly? We all want to meet a soul mate and to create a family and some of us spending many years of our lives looking for the right person. So who is this right person? Our perfect match? First…
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Funny Elena moves for you!

Funny and caring Slavic bride Elena from Kremenchug needs a serious and stable man but at the same time he must be cheerful! Look for Elena's photos here!
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June 2016 Lady of the Month: Aliona

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Aliona loves life and appreciates every moment of joy that it gives to her. She likes to study and get new experience. She is also very excited to build a strong relationship and have a happy family one day with lots of kids.  Aliona is looking for calm and balanced man just like her, who will be self confident and reliable. She wish her man to be a leader in  relationship, be a boss but not bossy. She wishes him to hear her opinion and be able to communicate and compromise. Se  wishes to feel comfortable and protected with him. You can meet Aliona here.